Karnataka cricket team captain Mayank Agarwal rushed to Agartala hospital after falling sick

Agarwal, who scored 51 and 17 in the last game, was supposed to travel with the whole team to Surat via Delhi, when the incident happened.

Karnataka are playing Railways in Surat in their next match.

“The team was on flight and apparently Agarwal started feeling uneasy and vomited a couple of times sitting on the flight. Since he started feeling sick, he de-boarded.

“From KSCA MR Shahvir Tarapore called and we quickly sent two of our representatives to the ILS hospital. He is under observation and we are told doctors are running some tests. Now there are multiple theories as to what he might have consumed,” a Tripura Cricket Association official said on the condition of anonymity.

He will fly back to Bengaluru the moment he is in a position to travel.

Multiple sources said that Agarwal probably mistook some other transparent liquid as water and drank it, after which he started feeling uneasy.

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