How to break old patterns that you are stuck in: Therapist shares a guide

Published on Apr 19, 2024 06:00 AM IST

  • From mindful practices to surrounding ourselves with healthy people, here are a few ways to break old patterns.


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Published on Apr 19, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Old behavioural patterns develop over a period of time when we are exposed to certain things. “Clinging to old patterns can make it difficult to adapt to new circumstances and challenges. Old patterns develop through a combination of factors including past experiences, learned behaviors, societal influences, and neurological processes,” wrote Therapist Israa Nasir. Here are a few tips on how we can break old patterns.(Unsplash)


Sometimes our behavioural patterns and our decisions are based on the kind of cultural influences and peer pressure we have had. The best way to combat this is by cultivating a sense of authenticity by letting our values guide our actions. (Unsplash)
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Published on Apr 19, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Sometimes our behavioural patterns and our decisions are based on the kind of cultural influences and peer pressure we have had. The best way to combat this is by cultivating a sense of authenticity by letting our values guide our actions. (Unsplash)


Past experiences can shape our beliefs and patterns. We can help ourselves by creating new happy memories in the same old places to replace traumatic experiences. (Freepik)
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Published on Apr 19, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Past experiences can shape our beliefs and patterns. We can help ourselves by creating new happy memories in the same old places to replace traumatic experiences. (Freepik)


Practicing mindfulness, cognitive behavioural therapy and meditation can help us to promote neuroplasticity and rewiring of the brain. (Unsplash)
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Published on Apr 19, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Practicing mindfulness, cognitive behavioural therapy and meditation can help us to promote neuroplasticity and rewiring of the brain. (Unsplash)


Observation and imitation are important influences in the way we develop our patterns. We should learn to surround ourselves with healthy people to imbibe their bheavioural patterns in us.(Unsplash)
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Published on Apr 19, 2024 06:00 AM IST

Observation and imitation are important influences in the way we develop our patterns. We should learn to surround ourselves with healthy people to imbibe their bheavioural patterns in us.(Unsplash)

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